Who is afraid of Inheritance Tax?

There is no place even in a bourgeois order, for an archaic idea of inheritance. Even capitalism (in its self-prescribed version) argues for the merit and innovation of an individual. There is no place in it for wealth passed on through lineage. Wealth and inheritance tax on the top 1% can ensure universal economic and social rights.

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How legal harassment by corporates is shackling reportage and undermining democracy in India
Pegasus Deposition

Link of the recording of the 70-minute deposition on 14 February 2022 by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta to the Supreme Court-appointed committee headed by Justice (retired) R V Raveendran on allegations of misuse of the Israeli Pegasus spyware on Indian citizens: https://pegasus-india-investigation.in/depositions/paranjoy-guha-thakurta-statement/