Why India's Farmers are Angry with the Narendra Modi Government

Since late November, hundreds of thousands of farmers in India—many of them from the northern states of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh—have been protesting on the outskirts of New Delhi. They are demanding the repeal of three laws enacted by Parliament that would eliminate current government protections and allow large companies to drive down prices. Despite eleven rounds of talks, representatives of Prime Minister Modi’s government have not agreed to the demands of the protesting farmers. The government has consented to postpone the implementation of the laws by a year and half, but the farmers (represented by more than 40 organizations and unions) have not agreed. Government spokespersons have alleged that the farmers are being misled by separatists and left-wing extremists, but the farmers argue that their struggle is for a better livelihood and a more secure future. The agitation by farmers is arguably the biggest challenge faced by the Modi government since it came to power in 2014.

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Pegasus Deposition

Link of the recording of the 70-minute deposition on 14 February 2022 by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta to the Supreme Court-appointed committee headed by Justice (retired) R V Raveendran on allegations of misuse of the Israeli Pegasus spyware on Indian citizens: https://pegasus-india-investigation.in/depositions/paranjoy-guha-thakurta-statement/